Key West Diving Information

Exploring The Hidden Depths Of The Ocean On Vacation

Have you ever wanted to go scuba diving? Key West is certainly the place for it! There are schools as and tours that teach you how to scuba as well as beautiful clear locations throughout the area that let you explore the underwater world. This means, instead of just hearing about it, scuba diving in Key West gives you the chance to look, learn, and enjoy everything this hidden part of the earth holds.

Tours For Scuba Diving in Key West

Regardless of whether you're an experienced diver, or have never gone scuba diving, Key West has several different tours available that will all give you access to the sea. A morning tour takes you out to explore several areas of the coral reef hidden a short distance from the shoreline. An afternoon tour typically includes the opportunity to see sunken ships in the area as well as a chance to see America's only living coral reef.

Don't have time or interest in certification? Then our Resort Course is for you. Here, you will receive a full two hours of training and education on how to dive before heading out into the ocean. Once you are finished, you are taken to two separate locations to explore the underwater haven of treasures. One spot includes sunken ships, some of which sunk on their own while others were placed there deliberately. You'll have access to unique fish and aquatic life, see how these living creatures work together and thrive, and enjoy the peace the water brings.

Scuba Instruction

If you decide that scuba diving in Key West has you hooked on the activity, and this is something you would like to do more often, we can get you certified. Open water certification gives you the knowledge and skills you need to dive to 60ft in just four days. In this simple course for scuba diving, Key West instructors take a full day to educate you in the class room and use the remaining 2-3 days giving you hands on instruction in the pool as well as on actual dives in the ocean.

Advanced certification for depths up to 120 feet is also available. This builds on the open water certification course giving you additional knowledge needed to navigate these depths safely. You will go on night dives and explore wrecks that are farther down in the ocean. You can also choose a particular area of expertise including underwater naturalist, peak performance buoyancy, or boat diving.

Scuba diving in Key West is a fun and graceful way to explore areas of the ocean that remain a mystery to most people. For beginners and experts in scuba diving, Key West offers up the only live coral reef along the continental US, and along with it, a whole host of one-of-a-kind adventures.