Start Your Vacation With The Key West Dive Shops

Everyone dreams of going scuba diving but, all too often, the demands of day-to-day life get in the way of realizing that and so many other dreams. Before you put it aside yet again, consider the possibilities. Instead of a vacation filled with long lines, over-priced Chinese souvenirs and nothing to show for your vacation dollars, take a trip to the Key West Dive shops in Florida to plan the best vacation possible.

The current economy has many people reconsidering taking a vacation at all when, in fact, this is the best time possible with the drastic cuts in airfare, accommodations, and even things like Key West scuba diving and snorkeling adventures. Instead of yet another amusement park, you could be exploring the natural wonders of the Florida Keys, strolling through charming Old Town, or just relaxing in North America's very own tropical paradise!

Key West Snorkeling Is For Everyone

You don't have to be a certified diver to enjoy Key West snorkeling. In no time at all, you can be paddling above some of the most beautiful coral reefs to be found anywhere in the world. The Whitecaps Key West snorkeling package includes lessons as well as trips to remote areas, unreachable by larger boats. Once you have learned how easy Key West snorkeling is the tours of the surrounding ocean are practically limitless!

Your Key West snorkeling vacation can have you exploring sunken ships, visiting underwater dolphin playgrounds, or getting to know some of the curious tropical fish that call Key West home. You may even encounter the friendly local 200-pound jewfish! Clearly, this is not your average vacation. You can board the FURY catamaran that combines Key West snorkeling with a sunset cruise or you can take the ultimate Key West snorkeling adventure: The Rum and Reggae Sunset and Snorkel Cruise, complete with Key West snorkeling, Reggae music, a sunset sail, and free rum punch!

You, Too, Can Enjoy Key West Scuba Diving

You can be a certified diver within a few short hours. One Key West Dive shops package provides you with 3 days of incredible Key West scuba diving. Your first day of Key West scuba diving starts with classroom instruction. The next two days are filled with swimming pool and ocean scuba diving. Once you reach the ocean, your Key West scuba diving excursion can take you where you will be amazed by the brilliantly colored coral reefs and sunken ships populated with dolphins, sharks, eagle rays, stingrays, anemone, spiny lobster, hermit crabs, and more tropical fish varieties than you could imagine!

Most people think of Australia's Great Barrier Reef when they think of reefs and tropical beaches, but Florida's coastline has just as much to offer with the added bonus of inexpensive convenience. There is no need for a passport, currency exchange, or standing in line through customs on your Key West scuba diving holiday. Instead, you will spend your vacation napping on the beach, enjoying lush, tropical fruits, and working as hard as you like on your tan -- if you could call that "work"!
