USS Curb

USS Curb

For divers looking for a dive site that is not visited very much, the USS Curb off of Key West, Florida is a good place for a dive. The USS Curb is not marked, so divers will need to use their GPS to locate the ship. The coordinates are N24 26 12.720 latitude and W81 46 7.620 longitude.

The USS Curb saw service during World War II and was utilized as a rescue and salvage ship. It operated in the Pacific theatre during 1945. In 1983, the USS Curb was intentionally sunk for the purpose of creating an artificial reef off of Key West.

The vessel is considered to be a good dive for intermediate and advanced divers. This is due to the depth of the ship in 130 to 160 feet of water. The interior of the ship is open, and divers can easily make their way through the ship. The pilot house and crew quarters are accessible. However, the ship is filled with a fine silt that is easily stirred up. This could disorient some inexperienced divers. Divers should also be aware that there are numerous fish hooks snagged on the wreckage. These can easily rip diving suits and equipment.

One of the highlights of the dive is the chance to see the ship's encrusted winches that are the playground of several smaller fish species. Diver's will also encounter many large Atlantic grouper at the wreckage. These fish often approach divers and circle them in a curious manner. Divers will also see snapper, tarpon and hogfish.
